Memo to Bill Clinton: SHUT UP

This has just been a terrible night. Who can stand to think of the horrible fate that overtook a beautiful young woman whose life has been so tragically cut short. That may be why I am a little edgy, but I have been needing to get this off my chest.

Many of us beleive that former President William JeffersonClinton, having become accustomed to a worldwide spree of non-stop fanny kissing, has become so totally snug and self-centered that he has totally lost touch with reality. Many of us believe that it is in part his own arrogance that cost Senator Clinton the Democratic nomination.

The former President has totally outdone himself in comments delivered at a North Little Rock political rally. The Stephens Media Group reports.

“Its fixing to be a rout, and I don’t want Arkansas to be left behind,” Clinton said to cheers from the crowd of about 700 gathered in front of Argenta Drug Co. on North Little Rock’s Main Street. Barricades and police diverted rush-hour traffic around the scene during the 90-minute rally.

Somebody please tell Mr. Boy Genius that there are still 10% undecided voters and a slew of southern white males that will have to overcome a heritage of deliberate racial indoctrination against people of color. I know because that is how I was raised.

Maybe Bill Clinton doesn’t know, or his equally out-of-touch and detached rich friends have not told him, that John McCain and his powerful elite Republican supporters will stop at nothing to keep corporate welfare rolling and big tax breaks for the rich.

Senator Obama could very easily lose this election, and with friends like Bill Clinton, he is well on his way to certain defeat.

I hope I can sleep.

About patlynch
I am a broadcaster in Arkansas, a former freelance writer and political columnist in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Writing Coach. Speaker. Director of the Christian Foundations for Ministry program, and presently enrolled in the Anglican School of Ministry Master of Ministry program.

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