Lincoln supports Arkansas billionares, blasts liberal “outisders”

Gosh, Blanche, do you really think we are this stupid? Here is the press release in its entirity.

Lincoln: I Will Continue Fight for Energy Policy that Benefits Arkansas Despite Outside Special Interest Group Threat

Little Rock – U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln today said that threats from outside special interest groups will not deter her from remaining a strong and independent voice for Arkansas.

Lincoln was targeted today by a Washington-based, liberal environmental group because she stood for jobs and economic growth last week as a cosponsor of a resolution of disapproval to block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.

Ironically, this comes just two months after the Nature Conservancy of Arkansas awarded her the Dale Bumpers “Forever Arkansas” award for her significant and enduring contributions to the conservation of natural resources in Arkansas.

Lincoln said she is working for a 21st century energy policy that creates new jobs and she will not be influenced by pressures from outside special interests seeking to influence Arkansas voters.

“I have built a practical, common-sense record on energy and environmental issues while working closely with Arkansas environmental advocates,” Lincoln said.  “Threats from extremist groups from outside our state tell me I’m doing something right for Arkansas.”

Lincoln’s opposition to the EPA regulation was greeted warmly in the Arkansas business and agricultural communities.

Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Randy Zook said, “The Arkansas State Chamber appreciates your support to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. In the wake of the EPA’s recent endangerment finding the State Chamber believes strongly that this finding will result in damaging new regulations which will endanger the very fragile U.S. economy and that if the EPA were allowed to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act that it would cause an economic train wreck. We cannot turn a blind eye to the EPA’s efforts to impose back-door climate regulations with no input from Congress. EPA regulation could: force businesses to cut jobs or close their doors for good, severely restrict domestic energy production, increase our dependence on foreign suppliers thus threatening our national security, make housing less affordable, and make consumer goods more expensive. Your work on behalf of our state is greatly valued here at home. Thank you for your service and dedication to working on issues that are important to Arkansas and to our nation.”

Arkansas Farm Bureau President Randy Veach added, “Arkansas Farm Bureau is pleased that Sen. Lincoln is joining Sen. Murkowski in this effort. It speaks volumes that the chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee is concerned enough to create a bipartisan effort to stop unneeded federal regulation that would make it more difficult and costly for farmers and ranchers to continue providing affordable food to Americans and the rest of the world.”

Arkansas Renewable Energy Association Founder Bill Ball said, “”I applaud Senator Lincoln’s support for legislation to block efforts by the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. I believe Senator Lincoln understands that administrative bureaucracy will result in a less efficient use of capital toward the goal of reducing carbon emissions, and that we must instead focus on emerging ideas in energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy resources to ensure we meet our goals.”

Harvey Joe Sanner, president of the American Agriculture Movement of Arkansas said federal regulation that results in higher fuel prices would be devastating to farmers:

“That’s well and good, if you’re from the Northeast and you can take the commuter train,” Sanner said, but farmers in Arkansas use up a lot of fuel to plant, fertilize and irrigate their crops, and then deliver them to market. “Regulations can be blind to the rural world,” he said (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/28/2010).

Senator Lincoln has stood as an independent voice with a record in support of renewable energy and conservation initiatives that not only promote job creation, but are beneficial to the environment, as well.

“I helped craft the Senate Energy Committee’s bipartisan clean energy bill, which would benefit our environment and boost our economy,” Lincoln said.  “By encouraging new energy technologies, we can promote job creation while curbing green house gas emissions and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  Clean energy policy should create jobs, not be a job killer.”

Senator Lincoln’s Arkansas energy and conservation record
Senator Lincoln worked to obtain several Forest Legacy land acquisition grants that brought more than $4 million to Arkansas through the Pine Flatwoods Recovery Initiative, increasing the size of the Warren Prairie Natural Area and creating Moro Big Pine Wildlife Management Area;
Senator Lincoln’s work on the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission added thousands of acres to the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge, helping to conserve important wetlands and waterfowl habitat;
Senator Lincoln has voted against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR);
Senator Lincoln has voted to increase fuel efficiency standards (2007 energy bill);
Since 2002, Senator Lincoln has voted for four different energy plans, most of which sought to increase renewable energy discoveries through tax credits;
Senator Lincoln has been a stalwart supporter of ethanol in Congress.

About patlynch
I am a broadcaster in Arkansas, a former freelance writer and political columnist in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Writing Coach. Speaker. Director of the Christian Foundations for Ministry program, and presently enrolled in the Anglican School of Ministry Master of Ministry program.

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