Tea Party reaches new high on creative writing

In its unending quest to expose the wicked Kenyan for the despicable subhuman that he is, the Tea Party sleuths are always vigilant and prepared to boldly report the most unsettling news. In this case, they may have also enjoyed the assistance of sloe gin.

As the Tea Party Research Team has discovered, there are secret cabals amassing to help shore up the now weakened Obamite clan. A secret assembly of nefarious global figures, evil dictators and shadowy characters are answering Obama’s call for help.

So am I part of the cabal or one of those nefarious global figures? I am not an evil dictator, though I once played one on the radio. Shadowy character? Yeah, that works.

Yes, Master Obama. Whatever you say, SIR. I will always observe the secret handshake and password. Klaatu barada nikto.

(Darn, maybe I wasn’t supposed to put that here. Better keep an eye out for the shadowy nefarious figures!)

George McGovern in history and contemporary thought


The first presidential election in which I participated was in 1972, It was only a few weeks previous that I had moved to Great Falls, Montana for yet another round at the radio wheel of destruction. Actually, KMON is (with one of two exceptions) a great memory and country music disc jockeys are beloved public figures – even if you happen to be the world’s worst C&W disc jockey. It is a sharp contrast to the abuse generally accorded any
“talker” even a little left of the center line.

I voted for Sen. McGovern and it is still the proudest vote I ever cast. It was a learning experience (the first of many) and I realized over time that the people I supported as candidates were generally bound for a certain defeat. I developed a dogged determination to vote and think like I pleased and live with the consequences. (I was young and had no idea how high the price would be!)

McGovern was telling the truth about the economy, the war,  taxes and Nixon – especially Nixon! The President claimed not to know about the quarter-million dollars spent on Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, and the assorted Watergate bunglers. It was a lie so obvious and hideous and the American people’s refusal to seeit was a valuable learning moment. Right or wrong matters nothing in politics. People do what they want to do, usually the very thing demanded by their personal prejudices, and there is nothing anybody can do about it anyway.

Unlike some of the more recent “progressive” politicians, Sen. McGovern always made me proud of placing my trust in his hands. He lived a life marked by personal dignity and simple love of country. McGovern often appeared with Republican (and fellow WWII vet) Bob Dole. Together, they demonstrated a mutual respect and patience by which we could all subscribe. America will miss George McGovern, but America will be missing a lot more than the sensible words of a single man from a state that is even smaller than Arkansas.

God is merciful and he took George McGovern away so that the former presidential candidate’s mortal eyes would never see the ugly fate that awaits the nation for which he once so proudly put on the uniform and swore to defend us against our enemies. In McGovern’s youth, it was the Nazis, but today the enemy is us. Our vile and hateful partisan outbursts, the unrestrained arrogance and selfishness, materialism, and contempt for learning have done more harm than 50 jets crashing into 50 skyscrapers.

George McGovern was a patriot, politician and reasonable man. Few today would be thought his equal.

Pat Lynch predicts Romney win: it’s “big Mo!”

I don’t normally venture into the real of partisan politics. What’s in it for me anyway? The net return on decades of public opinions is just about zero. Tell people what you really think, even try to tell the truth, and you get put on trial like some kind of stinkin’ criminal. (I could be tempted to begin giving opinions and overseeing public policy, but that is in God’s hands. It looks like I will be watching the election returns at home this year.) The following thoughts are offered as pure analysis. I will vote in November and I think I know who will get my Presidential nod. My vote, and yours, for local officials will be much more important. Chose carefully.

Mitt Romney has taken the moderate course. It is the smart move. Romney has even walked back his position on abortion, which those of us who watch such things professionally always knew was insincere. Evangelical Christians are the African-Americans of the Republican party, but black folks sometimes show a little more political sophistication. So you might be wondering how Romney pulled out ahead and why I think this assures him victory,.

Partisan politics is all about timing. Obama seems to have peaked too soon. I might  be mistaken on this, but that seems doubtful. Romney exceeded expectations in the “debate” and began to be taken seriously. He is being heard and gaining support. Obama is old news and has this rather matter-of-fact style that may be mistaken for indifference.

Anyway, as of October 10, Romney is rising and the President is stuck. Obama will turn things around, but it will almost certainly be too late. On the Wednesday after the General Election, some network pundit will lift his right eyebrow and announce that, “if the campaign had lasted another day or two, Obama might have won.” Yes, and if wishes was fishes …

Before takeoff, let me buy some flight insurance. These are among the worst candidates to ever seek the presidency and either one of them could blow it at any moment. Therefore, I reserve the right to revise and amend my remarks for the official record.